We process primary and secondary meat cuts, fresh or frozen, according to specific customer’s requirements.
supply chains
supply chains
Meat cuts suitable for DOP and IGP supply chains
Most of our products are intended for processing and curing industries and intermediate users (wholesalers and organized distribution). Their dinal aim is preparation and sale.
Almost 83% of our fresh cuts are used in the production of Italian DOP and IGP cured meats and hams. Slaughtered pigs meet the consortium’s requirements regarding farming methods and technical specifications.

- Prosciutto Veneto-Berico-Euganeo DOP
- Prosciutto Toscano DOP
- Prosciutto Toscano DO
- Prosciutto di Norcia IGP
- Prosciutto di Parma DOP
- Prosciutto di San Daniele DOP
- Prosciutto di Sauris IGP
Cured Meats
- Salamino italiano alla cacciatora DOP
- Salame Cremona IGP
- Salame Brianza DOP
- Lardo D’Arnad DOP
- Lardo di Colonnata IGP
- Culatello di Zibello DOP
- Salame Felino IGP
- Coppa, Salame e Pancetta Piacentina DOP
- Coppa di Parma IGP
- Salame Finocchiona IGP
- Salame Ciauscolo IGP
- Lardo di suino congelato
Are you interested
in our products?
Our customers include processing and curing industries such as controlled productions of ham and sausage, meat wholesalers, and companies belonging to the large scale retail distribution.